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Moira uneasy, but with no choice, followed Wilfred to the little village. The little thatched cottage seeming normal to Wilfred, was extraodinary to Moira, she had never seen such a thing as a house, and it was nice to be somewhere warm for a change, instead of sleeping on the cold forest floor.
Once Moira and Wilfred entered the cottage everyone froze as if the world had stopped. The children stopped fighting, Wilfred's mother and aunt stopped cooking, and Wilfred's father stopped plugging his ears to tone out his wife's nagging. The only person after a moment or two of silence was Wilfred's Aunt Katherine.
“ No, it can't be!, choked Katherine, holding back tears. “ Ellie?. Is that... you?.”
Katherine ran to Moira grabbing her forcefully and holding her tightly in her thin arms. As Katherine rocked Moira back and forth, the girl grew more and more uneasy.
“I knew.... someday I'd find you again.... I knew it!.” the woman whispered as hot tears ran down her cheek. Katherine squeezed Moira tightly as if she were a child's toy doll.
Wilfred's mother walked over to her sister in law gently pulling her away from Moira.
“I'm so very sorry”. Apologized Wilfred's mother.
With quite a struggle, Wilfred's mother pulled Katherine away, the other woman screaming Ellie, over and over again until Wilfred's mother pulled her from sight into the stables nearby.
“What has come over you? Demanded Wilfred's mother slapping her sister in law across the face. “You scared the poor girl to death. “
“You don't understand Anne, that girl ... was my sister Eleanor. The one I told you about. “I haven't seen her in ten years , and now, we have finally found each other again. “
“Are you for certain Katherine? questioned Anne. She seemed... so young.”
“I am as sure as I know the dark from the light.” replied Katherine happily.” She is... my
sister.” “I must go to her.”
“Wait!, replied Anne. “Don't be hasty Katherine. “You mustn't jump to conclusions.”
Wilfred wrapped Moira in a thick black shawl his mother had given him as they had left the small cottage after a very awkward dinner.
“I'm … sorry, about my aunt”. replied Wilfred quietly, I've never seen her act that strangely before.”
“It's alright, smiled Moira, she seemed very nice.”
Even though Katherine's hug had made Moira somewhat uncomfortable, something inside of her told her it was right. Moira had never felt such love before.
“My aunt, as Wilfred broke the silence, spoke of her sister often. “ “I remember stories about her even as a child, her mother locking her in a dungeon, it was so horrible.” “And now... here you are.” “as if... by magic.”
“I wouldn't go that far, replied Moira. “ I don't know your aunt and I don't know if she really is my..... “
“Sister? Wilfred interjected with a smile.”
“Yes, my... sister.” Anyhow, I must go. “Good night Wilfred,” and... thank you.”
Wilfred watched Moira walk into the dark woods, only to stop her before she entered the trees.
“Wait!, why must you leave again?, stay... please.”
“I must Wilfred... it is how things should be.” “I don't belong here, my place... is the forest.” replied Moira sadly going once again into the trees.
Wilfred pulled Moira by her arm and into his strong arms giving her a kiss.
“Goodbye replied Wilfred quietly, letting Moira go and returning back to the village.
Moira's knees sank, the girl almost toppling to the ground. A rush of emotions filled her insides, almost bursting at the seams. As she tried to regain her composure she disappeared into the dark like a vacuum she catapulted back into the forest deciding that maybe visiting the village once again wasn't a bad thing after all.
At a large wooden table filled with noisy children, Katherine sat annoyed at her husband's lack of concern.
“I tell you Robert, it was her!” I'm not makin this up.”
Robert took a large bite out of chicken munching loudly.
“Are ya even listenin Robert! Screeched Katherine.
Robert straightened himself up in the chair, wiping off his chin, and his tunic.
“You know I am love”, answered Robert, but you as well as I that your mum had her killed long ago.” There's no doubt about that.”
“I don't believe that Robert?”. Katherine exclaimed in sad voice. “The girl I saw yesterday was Eleanor, and I shall prove it to ya.”
Katherine stormed out of the small cottage, her ten children looking on, and then quickly going back to fighting. The moon was faint in the sky as the morning sun, it's golden rays slowly peeking from behind the small green hills above the village. Katherine walked briskly towards the dark forest determined to find the answers she was seeking.
The woods were darker than usual, and it seemed as if the fog around the forest had become thicker.
“Who dares try to enter my forest!”. exclaimed a loud high voice.
Katherine frightened, looked around seeing no one. Pulling her blue shawl around her she
continued on suddenly being stopped by a dark shape in the thick fog.
“I warn you dearie”. said the voice.”Come no further, you will not find the answers you seek here.”
“And.... how do... I know that, Katherine stammered.
The dark shape came closer, an old woman, her nose as long as a sausage, smiled back at her.
“Because dearie, I'm afraid you're sister is lost.... forever. “
“You talk nonsense old woman! Katherine snapped, her face becoming red.
The witch cackled wickedly pulling a locket from her black tattered shawl.
“Does this... look familiar the old hag replied, swinging the gold ornament back and forth like a clock.
Katherine's face turned white.
“The locket.... father gave us each one before he went away..... “How did you...”
“That is no concern of yours replied the old woman shoving the locket back in her shawl before Katherine could grab it. “ “ Now, away with ya.”
Katherine' s face dropped, tears filling her eyes.
“Wait... pleaded Katherine. “ What has happened to my sister?.” Why... doesn't she remember me?.”
The witch smiled wickedly.
“I'm sorry dearie, but she's not your sister anymore.”
The witch disappeared into the darkness tossing the old locket on the ground. Katherine leaped to the ground picking up the locket and holding it to her chest, quiet sobs escaping from her throat.
Chapter 4
Monks chanting in low voices circled around the statue of the late Queen, incense swirling thickly in the air. Princess Gwynneth watched on through her black veil her husband Rupert beside her.
“I don't... understand it Rupert...”. whispered the princess, “who could have done such an awful thing?.”
Rupert didn't say anything being rewarded with a hard hit on the shoulder. Giving his bride a dirty look, Rupert rubbed his shoulder, his gold medals jingling.
“How am I supposed to know.” “Your mother probably deserved it anyhow.”
Gwyneth gave Rupert an icy glare.
“I'm going to find the person that did this to mother Rupert”. hissed the new Queen, and when I do... they shall wish they had never.... been born.”
Guards!” barked the new queen. Several men rushed to the Queen's chambers standing at attention.
“Search everywhere in the village, question as many of the peasants as you can.” The culprit couldn't have gone far.
The soldiers all nodded pounding their fists to their chests.
“And one more thing.. continued the princess, search the woods as well.... it may hold some valuable information ... “
When the guards left, Rupert's face had turned as white as freshly fallen snow.
“Are you out of your mind Gwyneth!”, stammered Rupert, those woo
ds... they're.....”
“They're what Rupert? Said the Queen looking at her nails.... haunted?.”
“Well... yeah barked Rupert.”
The princess laughed wickedly.
“Oh Rupert, you foolish, foolish, man. “ “You don't believe in those old wife's tales do you? Of dragons, and sorcerors, and... other magical creatures that inhabit that dismal place?.” “It's all rubbish.”
“Says you.” was all Prince Rupert could say as he grabbed his silver helmet and left the old Queen's chambers headed towards the village and the woods beyond it.
As Rupert and the other soldiers searched the town, there was no one that had any information but due to the Princess's orders, the peasants were arrested anyhow. Rupert watched as whole families were carted away, Women screaming for their children, Husbands fighting for their wives only to beaten down.
As the prince gazed towards the woods, he signaled for his most trusted men to follow him. As the Rupert and his men neared the forest, a thick fog began to appear out of nowhere. The horses whinied in fright, the men desperately trying to control them.
“Let's go back sir, replied one of the men, We can't see anythin.”
Rupert ignored him.
“Sir? Questioned the soldier.”
“Shut up!.” Barked Rupert, Don't be so frightened, it's only fog.
A loud cackle erupted within the thick fog, Rupert gulped loudly, sweat running profusely down his face.
“Who.... is there! Stammered Rupert.” … Show yourself!.”
A small old woman emerged from the fog, her face covered in ugly green puss covered warts.
“Well, well, the Queen's army, or what's left of them, laughed the old hag.” What brings you to my woods your majesty?.”
“I... uh... am looking for the person that bewitched the Queen”. replied Rupert in the bravest voice he could muster.
The woman smiled maliciously walking closer to the men, the horses growing uneasy again.
“Sorry to.. disappoint you my dear, but I have no knowledge of that I'm afraid.”
“You lie old hag! Barked Rupert, tell me the truth.”
“And... if I don't?.” “What then?.”
Rupert thought for a moment.
“Then... we shall have to arrest you, and... bring you to the castle for questioning.”
The old woman came near to Rupert's horse stroking the animal's mane.
“I know your heart Prince, said the hag smiling wickedly.” A forced marriage, a wife, who... doesn't appreciate you.” “How hard... that must be.”
Rupert's face turned white.
“How... did you...”
“I can read you like a book your majesty”. replied the witch.” “You're not happy.” But... if you're interested.... I can change things up a little.”
“You talk nonsense old woman”. Rupert finally stammered turning around his horse.
“Back to the castle.” ordered Rupert kicking his horse roughly on the side.
The witch watched the Prince and his men ride swiftly back the village. A wicked smile on her
It had been a very warm day for April and Moira and Wilfred were enjoying every minute of it as they lay in the long grass looking up at the sky.
“I'm..glad you came again”. said Wilfred with a smile.” I didn't know if you'd come.”
“ Yes well, replied Moira turning red, that whatever you call it... was... pretty amazing.”
“You mean a kiss?.” laughed Wilfred.
“Yes.... a kiss.” smiled Moira remembering the fond memory.
Wilfred turned toward Moira with a sad look on his face.
“Moira, Wilfred began... “How is it that you don't understand the simple things of everyday life... like a kiss for example.” Didn't your mum, ever kiss you good night?.”
Moira smiled thoughtfully still looking up at the fluffy white clouds above her.
“I... don't think I ever had a mother Wilfred.”
Wilfred gave Moira a funny look.
'You would have to Moira.” Otherwise, you... wouldn't exist.”
“ The woman of the wood tells me that I was created by magical fairy dust.” Moira giggled and pulled her legs into her belly.
“The woman of the wood eh? Replied Wilfred, and who... is this woman of the wood. “
“Oh you don't know her!”. Exclaimed Moira excitedly, “She is the most beautiful ,
wonderful person in all the land Wilfred.”You would love her.”
“Really? Said Wilfred, then why would such a wonderful person lie to you like that?.”
“Oh she would never do that Wilfred, she.... “
There was silence for a brief moment, Moira not sure how to answer.
“Moira, Wilfred said quietly, do you remember anything about your past?.”
Moira thought hard, but nothing came.
“This may sound silly, the girl smiled, but sometimes, I feel like I was... Oh I don't know, a princess or something, a long time ago.”
Wilfred laughed.
“And why.... is that funny?”. said Moira putting her hands on her hips.
“Because exclaimed Wilfred, “ my aunt Katherine thinks the same thing.”
“You mean the strange woman that I met last night? Said Moira sitting up excitedly.
“Yeah, said Wilfred, she thinks she's a princess too, which is totally rubbish, because
there's only one princess that survived.... the other two... well... they disappeared.”
“What happened to them? Moira asked in a childlike voice.
“Don't know”. replied Wilfred chewing on a piece of grass... no one does.” “Some say the old Queen had something to do with it.” But I guess we'll never know.”
Wilfred looked over to find Moira gone. Looking frantically everywhere in the field, the girl was nowhere in sight.
Moira ran through the woods dodging roots and fallen branches towards the center of the forest where the Woman of the wood's palace lay. The girl ran quickly through the arched tree overgrown with ivy and flowers, finding the Woman of the wood sitting on a throne of an ancient tree, her long blue hair covering most of her shoulders and chest, her white skin shining in the sun.
“Moira, said the beautiful woman, what's the matter child?.”
Moira hesitantly approached the woman's throne.
“I... have a question mother”. replied Moira.